Thursday, June 9, 2011


It takes a while to know someone and most of us find shortcuts how to find out whether we could like a new person we meet. From my experience, I found that a lot of people use our image as a shortcut to knowing who we are. Some people think that the amount of money we spend on our image is an indication how well we do in life.

I don’t want to write about our physical beauty because we have what we are born with and we can’t easily change that. I don’t consider it to be important anyway, physical beauty fades away with age but our personality can grow more and more beautiful every year. I want to write about the effort and money that we spend on our image as there might better things in life to spend it on that create more happiness (see Happiness).

When we spend a lot of money on our image, we attract more people because they think that we are doing very well. There’s no problem with that as far as it’s true that we are doing very well. If we make ourselves look better than we really are, people will eventually see through it and walk away. That is, we are not making our relationships very secure by overspending on our image and we do need security to be happy (see Security).

If we ignore our image and make ourselves look worse than we are, we are risking that the right people will not even approach us or reject us because they are afraid that just purely being around us is affecting their own image and therefore respect. We might actually lose out on good relationships that could’ve created a lot of happiness.

I believe that our image needs to fit who we are if we want to make it easier for other people to judge us right way and therefore create secure honest happy relationships.

Sometimes, if we are not sure how to go about our image, the safest option is to look average as a minimum. We need to fit the situation, not too much or too little of anything. Not too much because I believe that our time can be better spent on more productive things that can create more happiness (see Limited time and energy), and not too little because we don’t want to be harshly judged just because of our bellow average image. I think that we can multiply our happiness through our average image as we will not lose much of respect while we gain a lot of secure relationships that will give us more love and caring.

If it was up to me and I could change the way people think and I tell them that image is irrelevant, it’s easy to get mislead by someone’s image. I think that if we want to find a shortcut to reading people, I would choose the ones that are happy and not the ones that have a good image. I can always start with myself and I do love happy people irrespective of their image.

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