Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Emotional security

We all can buy all sorts of insurance to protect our possessions, our health or our income. Unfortunately, there’s no insurance for our emotions and our happiness. Also money can’t always fix everything, of course, it’s a big help but I believe that the same importance is the emotional support that we get if something bad happens to us. Also important part of it is our ability to prevent bad things happening to us rather than just compensation that we get if it does.

Emotional support comes from having wonderful people around that care about our happiness and believe in us (see Love). These people can give us a helping hand when we need it and make our recovery much faster.

Not only that, I think that prevention is also very important. We need to be able to read our situation and predict the consequences. Can we trust people that are around us or are they going to leave us when things get tough or might even make the situation worse. I think that people that respect us and are happy to be around us are quite safe people to be around. But we all can change. Once there is lack of respect and we start getting an attitude that’s when we should start watching out. Also, if we start threatening their happiness even if it’s fully unintentional, the relationship might struggle. The more we know people around us, the more we can predict their reaction (see Getting to know people around us).

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