I believe that we all should have something that we do just because we enjoy doing it. We do it when we want to relax, enjoy our time and have a break. We don’t do it for anybody else except ourselves, it’s either our hobbies or could be even our jobs. The more we do it, the happier we are. We would just love to do it all the time.
It’s important to know what activities make us happy as it’s important for our happiness. Sometimes, we forget what it is because we are so busy with things that we have to do. It’s good to look back at our childhood and try to remember what it was that we enjoyed. Or maybe try new things to find out what is it we would enjoy doing just for our own pleasure and happiness.
To be happy, we need to know what is it that makes us happy.
It’s good to look at these activities and give it a thought on how to make money out of it. Once we find a way, we can do what we love all the time. People are prepared to pay for happiness so our concentration should be on how can we make other people happier out of what we love doing.
It’s never easy to start a new thing but if we enjoy doing it anyway it will keep us going through all the struggles. The fact that we enjoy doing it even if we don’t make money out of it will give us extra drive and motivation to keep going, improving, and thinking on how to make it profitable. The easiest way is to observe and see how other people do it in a similar field (see Learning).