We all want to look good and be right all the time. But how far are we prepared to go to do that?
Sometimes, we want to be right so much that at the end we look silly because we stick to our wrong opinion for too long. We can even be so scared to be wrong that we don’t want to do anything new. We know that doing something new can result in a lot of mistakes and our pride might not take it. I believe it’s completely normal to do mistakes when we do something new. It’s the only way to progress and make our lives better. So why not to believe that it’s ok to be wrong now and then, nobody’s perfect. Let’s just admit it, laugh about it and back off before we look really bad for being stubborn. Our pride shouldn’t stop us from living our life to the full.
In regards to our image, do we really have to spend a lot of our money on it and at the end there’s not much money left for things that we actually want but aren’t adding to our image? It’s impossible to look better than others in everything. I think it’s smart just to pick one area we want to look better at than others that is really important to us and forget about the rest. It doesn’t matter that we are worse at something than others as far as we have something that we’re good at and that should be enough to make us feel good about ourselves. Most of other people will respect us even if there’s something that isn’t perfect about our image.
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